T-69 Until Steam Release

This week in freebooter of SPLORR!!

  • Reduction of Tech Debt and other Refactors
    • Elimination of hard coding of thing, especially items, which can now be modded with the items.json configuration file.
  • Graphical Improvements
    • Changed from being text based to being image based.
    • Dropped in replacement card art.
  • No Wasted Food or Potions!
    • Keeps the player from too much over-healing or over-eating.
  • Mouse controls!
    • Still have to get through the main "in play" screens, but this quality of life improvement will eliminate much of the clunk of the interface
  • Autosaving!
    • the game autosaves when you move into a new room
  • Loading Saved Games!
    • other loading from save slot functionality is stubbed out but wont be functional until the actual saving to save slots is implemented.

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Very cool to see the game getting further development.

I was replaying it just a few days ago and thought it was clearly one of the games from the jam which, rather than a vertical slice of something bigger, already felt the best like a small, replayable, fun, full game I could pick from time to time with a full gameplay loop and a full length, which could totally be in early access as is and could just benefit, from there, from a little bit more content in the various departments (a couple of monsters with different effects like directly dispelling buffs or targetting consumables or targetting hunger, a couple more consumables with different effects too like possibly a blink effect which teleports you in a random place or such, possibly non-monster events with the same kinds of effects ...).

Anyway, I disgress, good luck, I'm going to follow the development of the game.

I'm continuing development on stream (of course), and we are now in the phase of adding in the canceled functionality I wanted to have in the jam but just didn't have time for.

While the general core of the game will remain recognizable as coming from the jam, there have been some interesting thematic developments that make some of the choices more interesting and a greater need to balance various statuses in order to continue to succeed.

Very specifically, there had been planned a "whiskey" item that teleports the player, but it didn't make it in. I probably also want to involve that drinking whiskey teleports to a "safe" place, but also cause your pants to be teleported elsewhere, and there needs to be some sort of impact of being "without pants". 

And there is other whimsy as well. Attack and defense are going to become "courage" and "alertness". There will be "drunkenness" and "nausea", and our current favorite, "need to poop" (which will likely be called the "bowel" statistic.

The theme is moving towards "addiction", since the game deals with gambling, alcohol, caffeine, food, monetary gain.

Thanks for the encouragement.